I'd just like to point out that this is a letter to elders (& literature/magazines servants) and not to the congregation. So most ordinary brothers & sisters wont be aware of it - I think it needs to be leaked as much as possible.
boe 2016-06-10 transfer of shipping activities from britain branch to central europe branch.
I'd just like to point out that this is a letter to elders (& literature/magazines servants) and not to the congregation. So most ordinary brothers & sisters wont be aware of it - I think it needs to be leaked as much as possible.
i was a younger dub at the time of this release, and stopped watching this movie near its beginning, when john cleese was stoned with the huge rock for saying jehovah.. this was despite having been (and continuing to be) a major john cleese (and monty python) fan.. any fans of this film?.
All together now "We're all individuals"
it looks like i'm going to have to take the watchtower study for a while so i thought i'd seek help.. i wont be outing myself or stating anything too controversial, but so far i have come up with the following tactics : 1) ask questions which will get people thinking even if it is about something insignificant - developing a questioning mind is the key to discovering ttat as far as i am concerned.
2) highlight any extreme points so that some might realise they are extreme.
3) highlight any good points - helping others in need for example - just because it is the right thing to do.. if anyone has any general comments which could help, please post them here.
Thanks for all of the comments so far - given me a lot to think about. I don't find it easy spouting out the (sometimes damaging) nonsense, but while I am still undercover I figure I will do as much as possible to help individuals. The enemy is the org not the members.
Obviously I do other items as well and can slip more things in then, but I'm by myself. Everyone has access to the wt study which is why I want any of you to help if possible.
I had already been avoiding taking the study for a while. This time the only real alternative would have been to resign and I have personal reasons for not wanting to do that just yet. The more I have thought about it though, the more I think it is an opportunity to do some good.
And if it all goes wrong, hopefully I'll provide some entertainment for a while!
it looks like i'm going to have to take the watchtower study for a while so i thought i'd seek help.. i wont be outing myself or stating anything too controversial, but so far i have come up with the following tactics : 1) ask questions which will get people thinking even if it is about something insignificant - developing a questioning mind is the key to discovering ttat as far as i am concerned.
2) highlight any extreme points so that some might realise they are extreme.
3) highlight any good points - helping others in need for example - just because it is the right thing to do.. if anyone has any general comments which could help, please post them here.
It looks like I'm going to have to take the watchtower study for a while so I thought I'd seek help.
I wont be outing myself or stating anything too controversial, but so far I have come up with the following tactics : 1) Ask questions which will get people thinking even if it is about something insignificant - developing a questioning mind is the key to discovering TTAT as far as I am concerned. 2) Highlight any extreme points so that some might realise they are extreme. 3) Highlight any good points - helping others in need for example - just because it is the right thing to do.
If anyone has any general comments which could help, please post them here. If anyone has specific questions I could ask in a particular watchtower, please don't post them (too easy to trace) but do pm me.
urghhh... what a disgusting study!7 a conflict of loyalties may arise when a close relative is disfellowshipped.
for example, a sister named anne received a telephone call from her disfellowshipped mother.
the mother wanted to visit anne because she felt pained by her isolation from the family.
Only in watchtowerland could they think there is a logical connection between David stopping Abishai from killing Saul and cutting off family ties because someone disagrees with your religion.
i've seen this weekend's uk branch visit mentioned a few times.
for those who are interested, here is the programme:-.
1:00 pm song 63 & prayer - p. gillies.
Here is my brief review of the meeting:
Watchtower - as objectionable as expected
Branch report - like a local needs item - Philip Longstaff's photos from his visit to Falklands and pictures from Pakistan of people holding Urdu bibles. Oh and Chelmsford has been very busy and will get busier (maybe even enough so that someone will notice)
Prove yourselves ready - seriously, was this just given to Kikot so that he would have to keep saying riddy - I almost fell asleep 4 times during this.
Make over your mind - OK, now for the surprise. I liked this talk - it seemed to focus almost entirely on improving personal qualities and getting on with other people rather than what is done in the ministry. It reminded me of that brief time in the late 70s when kingdom service was said to include helping others etc. I probably missed some parts that were less good, but the general tone was so much better than the GB have been using.
Of course, it is also significant what wasn't mentioned - child abuse, financial problems etc. Any thoughts from others who stayed awake to the end?
i've seen this weekend's uk branch visit mentioned a few times.
for those who are interested, here is the programme:-.
1:00 pm song 63 & prayer - p. gillies.
I've seen this weekend's UK branch visit mentioned a few times. For those who are interested, here is the programme:-
1:00 pm Song 63 & prayer - P. Gillies
1:05 pm Watchtower summary - R. Li
1:35 pm Branch report & experiences - P. Longstaff
1:55 pm Song 54 & announcements
2:05 pm Prove yourselves ready for Jehovah's day - J. Kikot
3:00 pm Make over your mind - K. Flodin
3:55 pm Song 75 & prayer - K. Flodin
to all congregations in the united states branch territory re: literature offer for july through december 2016.
Phizzy - you may find this hard to believe, but the "Teach Us" book is a simplified version of the "Bible Teach" book (as if it wasn't simple enough). Its release was "hidden" at the beginning of the letter read out last year about the change in midweek meetings.
first some context to this post.
historically the elders meeting with the circuit overseer has had the following format : outline for meeting including ministerial servants then, after they have been dismissed, discussion of local issues.
the last visit there was an additional outline for the elders only, the notorious "gender blurring" discussion.. you might wonder what is being discussed this time round, so here you are:.
Like many of you I have been to lots of these meetings in the past and yes they were pretty boring mostly. Now, the co is the one with all of the power and he likes to use it. He will make a "suggestion" one visit then if it hasn't been followed up next time all hell breaks loose. He can remove elders, change their assignments, bring others in - more or less anything he wants these days. This means elders are extremely tense during the visit and particularly during the meeting with him. The extra outline part from the GB just increases the level of stress.
first some context to this post.
historically the elders meeting with the circuit overseer has had the following format : outline for meeting including ministerial servants then, after they have been dismissed, discussion of local issues.
the last visit there was an additional outline for the elders only, the notorious "gender blurring" discussion.. you might wonder what is being discussed this time round, so here you are:.
First some context to this post. Historically the elders meeting with the circuit overseer has had the following format : outline for meeting including ministerial servants then, after they have been dismissed, discussion of local issues. The last visit there was an additional outline for the elders only, the notorious "gender blurring" discussion.
You might wonder what is being discussed this time round, so here you are:
Disaster preparedness - each elder should have an up to date list of all publishers and contact details. A local needs item should take place annually to remind all to have emergency supplies etc ready. This is all from BOE Jan 6 2012 which I thought they had just quietly forgotten about.
Next was a discussion about cart witnessing - nothing new but it obviously isn't being shelved anytime soon.
Keeping up to date with theocratic direction was mentioned and how the midweek meeting was going was also reviewed as well as a check on shepherding being done properly.
So, nothing dramatic this time, until you realise that that there is absolutely nothing about handling cases of child abuse, which many of us recognise as the biggest issue currently facing the society.